Is “fresh content” a myth?

n the past I often had the requirement, that content must be absolute up to date when it’s delivered to the enduser. It always has to reflect the approved status on the servers, and it must not be outdated. When new content is pushed to the publish instances it has be picked up immediately and every response should return this update content now.
That’s sometimes (and only sometimes) a valid requirement, but the implementation is something you can hardly control.

For example: When your editor presses the “publish” (or “activate”) button in AEM, it’s starting an internal process, which is taking care of packing the content and delivering it to the publish instances, where the content is unpacked. And then you need to invalidate any fronted cache (dispatcher cache) sitting in front of the publish instance.
That’s infrastructure you can control, and with proper setup and monitoring you can achieve a reliable delay of a few seconds between pressing the button and the new content being delivered out of your web servers.

And then comes the internet. Huge caching layers (Content delivery networks) are absorbing lots of requests to reduce internet traffic. Company proxies caching favorite sites of its users to save money. You will find caches all over the place, to reduce costs and improve the speed. Sometimes for the cost of delivering outdated content. And not to forget the browser, which also tries to reduce page loading time by eliminating requests and leveraging a cache on local disk.

They do it for a single reason: You are normally more frustrated by a slow page than by reading a version of the news page, which doesn’t show the very most recent version published 1 second ago (and of course you don’t know that this page was just updated …)

Caching is a tool you should always use to provide a good experience. And in many times the experience is better if you deliver a fast, nearly up-to-date site (with news being 30 seconds old) than a slow site, showing also the breaking news which happened 1 second ago. 
If this delay is reasonable small (in many cases 5 minutes is perfect), noone will ever mention it (besides the editor who pressed the button), but you can improve your caching and the experience of the enduser.

JCR Observation throttle

With JCR observation any JCR repository offers a really nice feature to react on any changes in the repository. Because the mechanism is quite powerful and easy to use, it has found many adopters which work with it.

If you have worked with that feature and also imported large amount of content, you might also encounter the problem that there is a delay between persisting a change in the repository and the time, when the observation event for this change is fired. This delay is mainly based on the number of registered observation handlers and the time these handlers require to process the event (the whole JCR observation events are handled by a single thread). If it takes 100ms to run through all handlers and you persist 10k changes in 2 minutes, it will pill up and take about 20 minutes until the queue is empty again.

This delay may harm your application and user experience, so it’s advisable to

  1. improve the processing speed of any JCR event handler
  2. keep the queue small.

Especially if you have jobs, which are not time critical but might cause a storm of events (e.g. data importers), you should be aware of this and add artificial pauses to your job, so the observation event queue will not get too large.

A simple tool to help has been added to CQ/AEM 5.6.1, it’s called JCR Observation throttle (see

It allows you to wait until all pending events in the observation queue have been delivered. This helps you to wait for quiet moments and then start your data import. But be careful, the delay might be very long, if other processes constantly interfere. 

(N)one click deployment

Last week I attended the AEMHub conference in London and I really loved it. Lot of nice people, interesting talks (and chats) and inspiring presentations. And Cognifide did a great job in organizing this. Thanks folks, especially to Juliette and Kimberly!

I also held a presentation called “(N)one click deployment”. It focussed to the point, that IT operation staff should not be held responsible for the automation of operation processes (for many reasons, like insufficient time, insufficient skills and sometimes even the lack of motivation). But instead, developers are by nature creators of automation, because programming is just automating steps to perform a task.

Additionally the features you might consider as natural tools for automating CQ maintenance or deployment procedures are just build blocks, not tools. When you use curl to automate such processes you have to care about error handling and reporting. Which can get pretty complicated, when you have to parse server responses to determine the right status, and your only tool is the Unix shell.

So in the end you’re better off when you use a programming language, which offers more feature than shell and makes things easier to build, test and debug. So if you are an operation guy which focusses on automating AEM deployments and maintenance tasks, don’t focus too much on handling too much external, but motivate the developers (and probably also the vendor :-)) to include more sophisticated building blocks to the application or the product itself, so your job is getting easier.

You can find my slidedeck on the offical AEMHub slideshare page.

Meta: New blog layout

When I started this blog back in December 2008 I really didn’t care that much for the design of the blog, and I simply took the Kubrick theme. Which is just very simple and straight style with a deep blue header.Now we are in 2014 and the times have changed and me as well. It’s time for some cleanup and adjustments. So today I changed the style of this to something more modern and also added a twitter image to my sidebar. And the comment function is now on top of a posting and no longer on the bottom. But that should be all.

If you are reading this blog through a feedreader you probably don’t see any change at all. But that’s fine then 🙂

Using curl to install CQ packages — and why it isn’t a good idea

CQ5 has a very good tradition of exposing APIs, which are accessibly by simple HTTP (in some cases even RESTful APIs). This allows one to access data and processes from external and is also a good starting point for automation.

Especially the Package Manager API  is well documented, so most steps to automate deployment steps really start here. A typical shell script to automate package installation might look like this:

FILENAME=`basename $ZIP`
CURL=curl -u admin:admin

$CURL -s -F package=@ZIP -F force=true $HOST?cmd=upload
if test $? -ne 0;
  echo “failed on upload"
$CURL -X POST -s $HOST/etc/packages/mypackages/$FILENAME?cmd=install
if test $? -ne 0;
  echo “failed on install"

As you see, it lacks any kind of sophisticated error handling. Introducing a good error handling is not convenient, as curl doesn’t return the HTTP status as a return code (but just if the request itself has been performed successfully), so you have a parse the complete output to decide if the server side returned a HTTP 200 or something else. Any non-seasoned shell-script-developer will probably just omit this part and hope for the best …

And even then: When your package installation throw an error during deserialization of a node (maybe you have a typo in one of your hand-crafted .content.xml files), the system still returns a http 200 code. Which of course it shouldn’t.
(The reason for the 200 is, that the code streams the installation progress on each node, and that the decision for the status code has to be done before all nodes are imported into the repository. Therefor the need for an internal status, which is one of the last lines of the result. Thanks Toby for this missing piece!)

And of course we still lack the checks if embedded bundles are starting up correctly …

So whenever you do such a light-weight deployment automation, be aware of the limits of it. Good error handling, especially if the errors are inlined in some output, was never a primary focus of shell scripting, and most of the automation scripts I’ve seen in the wild (and written myself, to be honest) never really cared about it.
But if you want to have it automated, it must be reliable. So you can focus on your other work, and not on checking deployment process logs for obvious and non-obvious errors.

On AEMHub I will talk about the importance of such tools and why developers should care about such operation topics. And I hope, that I can present the foundations of a small project aimed for proper CQ deployment automation.

Rewrapping CQ quickstart to include your own packages

CQ quickstart is a cool technology to ease the setup of CQ installations; although it’s not a perfect tool for server installations, it’s a perfect to developers to re-install a local CQ development environment or for any kind of demo installation.But a out-of-the-box installation is still a out-of-the-box installation, it doesn’t contain hot fixes or any application bundles, it’s just a raw CQ. In this posting of 2010 I described a way how you can leverage the install directory of CRX to deploy packages and how you can package it for distribution. It’s a bit clumsy, as it requires manual work or extra steps to automate it.

In this post I want to show you a way how you can rebuild a CQ quick start installation including extra packages. And on top of that, you can do it as part of your maven build process, which anyone can execute!

The basic idea is to put all artifacts into a maven repository (e.g. Nexus), so we address it via maven. And then use the maven-assembly-plugin to repackage the quick start file.

Required Steps:

  • Put your CQ quickstart into your maven repository, so you can reference it. The can freely choose the name, for our example let’s use groupId=com.adobe.aem.quickstart, artifactId=aem-quickstart, version=5.6.1, packaging=zip. For this example you can also just put the file in your local m2 archive: ~/m2/repository/com/adobe/aem/quickstart/aem-quickstart/5.6.1/
  • Update your pom.xml file and add dependencies to both maven-quickstart-plugin, the aem-quickstart artifact and an additional content package you create during your build (e.g. com.yourcompany.cq5.contentpackage:your-contentpackage).
  • Extend your pom.xml by this definition

    The magic lies in the descriptor file, which I placed in src/assembly (which is just as good as any other location …).

  • This file src/assembly/quickstart-repackaged.xml can look like this:
    <assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""  xsi:schemaLocation="”>

    This descriptor tells the plugin to unpack the quickstart file and then add your your-contentpackage to the static/install folder; from this folder CQ also bootstraps packages during the startup. After this file has been added, the file is repackaged as jar file with the name “quickstart-repackaged” (taken from the pom.xml file).

  • Invoke maven with the package goal

If you take this route, you’ll have a fantastic way to automatically build your own flavour of quickstart files. Just download the latest version from your Jenkins server, double-click and — voila — you have a full-fledged up-to-date demonstration or testing instance up and running. And as soon as you have all required ingredients on your nexus, everyone can build such quickstart variants, as it only requires a working maven setup.

Deployment automation

Good developers are lazy. These people are one of the laziest creatures in the universe, because they tend never to do anything twice. They even created the acronym DRY because they’re to lazy to write “Don’t repeat yourself!”. But they are of course in a unique position: Developers are able to automate work which they tend to do over and over. They create libraries and frameworks, they write tests which can be executed by the computer. And they automate their build system so every product version they created can be recreated at will.

On AemHub 2014 I will have a talk and discuss the chances to apply this mindset also to tools for application deployments. I will do a short demonstration which illustrates the benefit of effective laziness which reduce the required efforts for CQ deployments.

I am looking forward to see you there.

CQ development anti-pattern: Single session, multiple threads

The simple way to use relevant feature sof OSGI, combined with the power of Declarative Services (SCR), lead often to a very simple design of services. You can just define the service interface as a pure Java interface, and then implement your service as a single class with just some annotation. You can handle the complete live cycle of it in this single class.

public class myServiceImpl implements MyService {

  protected void activate () {

  protected void deactivate() {


And that’s it. That’s a very simple approach, which can satisfy the requirements of most services.

But it can lead to an anti-pattern, which can be problematic. The problem is the fact, that it’s easy to acquire resources on activate and release them again on deactivate(). That’s especially true with JCR sessions.

SlingRepository repo;

Session adminSession = null;

protected void activate(ComponentContext ctx) {
  try {
    adminSession = repo.loginAdministrative(null);
  } catch (RepositoryException e) {

void deactivate(ComponentContext ctx) {
  if (adminSession != null && adminSession.isLive()) {

So during the whole lifetime of this service you have a JCR (admin-) session, which is just available and you don’t need to have a special handling for it. It’s just there and it’s supposed to be open and alive (unless something really weird happens). Your service methods can now be as simple like this:

public void doSomething() {
// work with the adminSession

So, what’s the problem then? Why do I call it an anti-pattern?

Basically, it’s the use of a single session; your service might be called by multiple threads in parallel, and you might suppose, that these calls can be processed in parallel. Well, that isn’t the case. In the current implementation of Jackrabbit 2.x the JCR session has an internal lock, which prevents multiple sessions to work in parallel on the very same session (both read and write)! So by this design you limit your application’s scalability, because the threads are queuing up and wait until they get hold of that internal lock. And this is something we really should avoid.

So, what’s the best method to avoid this? That’s quite simple: Use a new session for each call. Sessions are cheap and don’t require a relevant startup time. I already presented this pattern in the context of preventing memory leaks and I want to repeat it here:

public void doSomething() {
  Session adminSession = null;
  try {
    adminSession = repo.loginAdministrative(null);
    // do something useful here
  } catch (RepositoryException e) {
    // error handling
  } finally {
    if (adminSession != null && adminSession.isLive()) {

Here you have a dedicated session for each call (and implicit for each thread calling this method), you never need to bother with this kind of locking issues.

A hint to find such bottlenecks: Set the log level of the class org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session.SessionState to DEBUG; if you have concurrent access to the same session from multiple threads, it will write a statement to the log.

The future of CQ Healthcheck

A few days ago Sling Healthcheck 1.0 was released. My colleague Betrand Delacretaz intiated and pushed that project and he did a great job. And now there’s a monitoring solution where it belongs: In the sling framework, on Apache, with a much greater visibility my personal pet project would ever get. I don’t have the the possibility to spend much time on it, and in fact never wanted to run such a thing on my own. Fouding the CQ healthcheck project was necessary to push the topic “monitoring” and to make it visible. And now I am glad, that Betrand picked it up. I fully trust him that he will push it on the Sling side and also inside Adobe, so we can expect to see the healtcheck functionality in the next CQ release. And that’s exactly what I ever wanted to achieve: A usable and extensible monitoring solution available out of the box in CQ.

So, I think, that the mission of the CQ healthcheck project is over; so I will discontinue the development on github. I will leave the code there and you can still fork it and restart the development.

Meta: AdaptTo 2013

As you might have seen, I made a small pause this summer with publishing new articles. I hope it will change soon. I have some interesting topics in mind.

I will attend this year’s AdaptTo event in Berlin. I am looking forward to meet some my colleagues (some I know, some I don’t know yet in person) and all the people from the community, partners, Adobe customers, etc. I hope I can meet your there as well 🙂 So see you in Berlin.