A review of 2023

It’s again December, and so time to review a bit my activities of 2023 in this blog.

I have to admit, I am not a reliable writer, as I write very infrequent. And it’s not because of lack of time, but rather because I rarely find content which (in my opinion) is worth to write about. I don’t have large topics, which i split up into a series of posts. If you ever saw a smaller series of posts, that mostly happen by accident. I was just working on aspects of the system, which at some point I wrote about and afterwards started to understand more. That was the default of the last 15 years … (OMG, am I blogging here really for that long already? Probably, the first post “Why use the dispatcher?” went live on December 22, 2008. So this is the 15th anniversary.)

I started 2023 with 4 posts till the end of of September:

But something changed in October. I had already prepared 2 postings, but I started to come up with more topics within days; it ended with 6 blog posts in October and November, which is quite a pace for this blog:

It felt incredible to be able to announce every few days a new blog post. I don’t think that I can keep that frequency, but I will try to write more often in 2024. I just noted a few topics for the next posts already, stay tuned 🙂

Also, if you are reading this blog because you found the link to it somewhere, but you are interested in the topics I write about: You can get notified of new posts immediately by providing me (well, WordPress) your email address (you should see it on the right rail of this page). Alternatively if you are old-style, you can also subscribe to the RSS Feed of this blog, which also contains the full content of the postings. That might be interesting for you, as I normally reference new posts on other channels with some delay, and sometimes I even skip it completely (or simply forget).

Thanks for your attention, and I wish you all a successful and happy 2024.